Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Thing 35: Book 2.0

I find the discussion on web reading to be very interesting and really
enjoyed reading the article "The Future of Reading: Literacy Debate:
Online, R U Really Reading?" by Motoko Rich. I feel that online reading
is like all things; good in moderation. I feel the article
made some valid points about online reading and the problems it may cause.
I especially liked their discussion on and how reading it by
itself (though fun) will not help your child gain all the reading skills they need
but doing a variety of reading will be must more helpful.
I also tried Twitterlit which serviced me the literary teaser of "Ok, I lied."
which I don't know what book it came from (I have labeled the answer to this
question). I don't think I will now many of the answers to Twitterlit questioning
put if I only get one right I will feel like I am total awesome. I looked at
ReadingTrails and thought it a fun site to get lost in and I would find way too
many books that I want or need to read. I found Swaptree to be very interesting
and if I had more time I will even investigate it more. I also liked many of the
readers advisory sites and hope to pass them on to patrons. In all there was so
many interesting sites to look at that I will be spending some of my free
time looking more closely through them.