I really had no idea what Library 2.0 (L2) was and in fact, I had not ever heard of the term before. However, I think John Blyberg makes an interesting statement in his blog when he stated that L2 is happening right now. I agree with his statement that L2 is a movement that is happening right now and I feel it is one our patrons are helping to push forward. What I mean is that I have been asked so many questions about how to use the computer that it has really solidified what I know and what I do not know. However, whenever I was asked a question I did not know I always tried to find out the answer whither it was by asking staff or other patrons. Therefore, I really think 23 things will help prepare me to answers a completely new set of questions patrons will ask. In addition, this program will be almost like a stepping-stone to understanding a whole new group of patrons because sometimes I have no idea what some of our younger patrons are talking about when they have computer questions. I am excited to learn these common computer items.